The gameplay is a lot of fun and it’s very fast paced although if you have a controller it’s advisable to use that as the sharp turning, accelerating and braking can really take its toll on your fingers especially with the twisting turning tracks that are available in the free demo.

The graphics are nice if a little dated now and the soundtrack is good, your co-pilot gives you instructions as you go although you may find he is a little premature with them, when he is saying hairpin right and your still turning left and a good 200 meters from the next turn then you may start to get a little confused or frustrated and find yourself shouting at your co-driver to shut up and let you use your eyes! World rally Championship 3 or WRC 3 is a playable demo and it sure is a lot of fun, although using the keyboard will have your fingers aching in no time, it’s certainly not the easiest game and it may not appeal to all although it is pleasing to see it is possible to opt for a female avatar.